Miami Vice: Miami Squeeze (1989)
Season 5, Episode 11
Politics and drugs
10 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This episode opens with the police turning up at a drugs drop; one of the three criminals is shot and killed but the other two escape with the drugs. These two see this as an opportunity to make some serious money by claiming that they had to drop the drugs… unfortunately for them Sebastian Ross, the man they were working for, knows they are lying and he wants his drugs back. Things are somewhat complicated by the fact that the dead criminal had been working for Congresswoman Madelyn Woods who has made her career on a staunchly anti-drug platform. As the episode progresses we learn that another of the criminals is actually related to the Congresswoman and Ross intends to use this to force her to help implicate Lt. Castillo in a drug deal! Away from the case Crockett must talk to a psychiatrist again due to the events at the start of the series.

I was most impressed with this episode; the opening was classic Miami Vice as we see a speedboat powering its way to the drug drop off followed by a dramatic shoot out. As the story progressed there were a good number of exciting moments including a shocking scene where it looks as though a major character might actually die. Robert Joy was suitably villainous as Ross although I didn't buy the fact that he was meant to be English. The secondary scenes where Crockett saw the psychiatrist reminded us that the show's creators haven't forgotten about earlier episodes and could point to events in episodes to come.
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