Considering the Death Ray made the title, you'd think it would of been featured more
2 April 2013
Yet another James Bond wannabe that was featured on the television show MST3K. It is also yet another rather badly done Bond ripoff, as it once again thinks the only thing it needs to make a Bond film is a smug agent. Explosions??? They cost too much. Submarines??? A toy stand in will suffice. A super fast car chase??? Those are too hard, we can do a very tepid follow scene and try to pass it off as an exciting chase. This film is very unexciting and one never gets the sense of real danger or thrills. The film, like many other Bond wannabes also has a few girls, but they are just okay in the looks department. The bad guys are not very threatening and for the most part the action is very lacking. Does have a nice theme to it though.

The story has a death ray that was created for non violent uses being stolen for violent purposes. Why this ray is even considered all that great is beyond me as it seems to be simply a device to melt holes in metal. Actually, it was not even the ray that was taken, but rather its creator who named his device that he had no intentions of using for violent purposes a Death Ray! Well enter super spy Bart Fargo, who at first does not want to do the mission because he is on vacation. What a spy! When has Bond ever complained about a mission? Yet, with every James Bond knockoff, the spy is always whining about doing his job. So off he finally goes and he flirts, has numerous fist fights and rides a car and a speed boat at extremely slow speeds! He also falls for a painter who looks kind of creepy in the face. Meanwhile, the bad guys repeatedly try to kill him. Nothing new happening here suffice to say.

The film is one of many James Bond knockoffs featured on MST3K. I have seen Secret Agent Super Dragon, Operation Kid Brother and Agent from H.A.R.M also. This one is a bit better than H.A.R.M, mainly because all the agent does there is hang around a house for most of the film and fail miserably. Sure the fungus stuff is kind of cool and the niece is hotter than any of the girls in this one, but that one was even more boring. I thought Super Dragon and Kid Brother were better though as they featured more attractive girls. Kid Brother also had the fun of spotting actors and actresses from the James Bond film series. This one has a bit more going on than H.A.R.M, if it had better looking gals I would have said it was better than Dragon.

So this film pretty much goes by with not much happening for a super spy film. Then again, that can be said of most copies of the Bond films. They pretty much seem to think if you have an agent who can swarm his way through the film that people will flock to it, but you just should have more. I mean, a that car chase was so slow, there is no way an oil slick is going to make a car lose control that badly at the speeds he was going. Still, it made for a very funny episode of MST3K, but why did that person catch the watch the agent threw out the window?
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