Peter Gunn: The Man with the Scar (1958)
Season 1, Episode 10
2 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
PETER GUNN – "The Man With The Scar" - 1958 A young couple, Roy Thinnes and Joan Taylor, are getting hot and heavy swapping spit. They are in the middle of some "couch wrestling" when a large man, Sol Gorss, kicks in the door. He grabs Thinnes and fires him across the room. He then advances on Taylor saying he is going to kill her for stepping out on him.

Taylor screams and calls to Thinnes to grab the revolver in the desk. Thinnes does this and fires at Gorss. Gorss grabs his chest and collapses. Taylor takes the gun from Thinnes and tells him to beat the feet. She will deal with the matter. Thinnes needs no further hints and splits.

Several minutes later, up pops Gorss with a big grin on his face. Taylor and Gorss start laughing as Taylor pours them both a drink.

Several days later, Peter Gunn (Craig Stevens) is summoned to meet a well known district attorney. The DA, Lewis Martin, is in the middle of a case to put away mobster, Dick Wessel. Wessel however is blackmailing Martin's son Thinnes, over the Taylor incident. The matter was never reported to the police and Wessel is turning the screws on Martin to throw his case against him.

Would Stevens look into the matter? Was there really a shooting? Or is it all a scam to force Martin to lose the case. Gunn agrees to help. First he needs to find the girl, Taylor.

He heads for "Mothers" jazz club for a talk with the owner, Hope Emerson. She puts him onto pint sized pool shark Billy Barty. For a small donation to his "retirement fund" Barty makes a few calls to various lowlife types.

One of these contacts, Peter Leeds, just happens to know the woman in question. Some more cash trades ownership and Stevens has the address. A quick visit to Taylor's apartment for some face to face, soon has her spilling to her part in the set up. Taylor agrees to take Stevens to where Gorss is stashed. Gorss is hiding at the Chinese café mobster Wessel uses as a front for his crew.

Wessel is not at all pleased with Taylor having led Stevens to the café. Weapons are pulled and slugs thrown in both directions. Stevens is better off the mark and Wessel and Gorss are soon leaking the red stuff.

The Police are called and the case wrapped up.

What is not to like about this great series! Stuntman, Gorss had bits in hundreds of films and television shows. He makes for a most imposing villain. His work included, FROM Russia WITH LOVE, THE BIRDS, SPARTACUS, NORTH BY NORTWEST, WARLOCK, THE BOSS, THE KILLING, NAKED ALIBI, Carson CITY, SPLIT SECOND, THE BOUNTY HUNTER and HIS KIND OF WOMAN. (B/W)
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