It's convoluted nonsense in my opinion. Very disheartening stuff from Fulci
1 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
A family man dies rather suddenly without proper explanation. It's covered up as a stomach hemorrhage. His daughter Rosy is called upon by the spirit of her dead Father to uncover the truth surrounding the mystery of his death.

I love Lucio Fulci, despite his love and hate affair with people. I find him to be an innovator when it comes to Italian Horror. When he started to become ill, the quality of his films diminished, and this movie is proof of that. There are many random scenes that make no sense, and come across as needless. Example… We get a dream sequence with one of the suspected people being attacked by Zombies who are coming out of a crate. I've come to expect Lucio Fulci to be brash when it comes to violence, but there is also a very controversial dream sequence where the dead father stabs his son to death. It is later revealed in the ending as to why he does this, but it still raised my eyebrows a bit. I also thought the voice over from the dead Father was completely otiose. It came across as an annoying diversion, more than anything else. I know the actors were dubbed, but the dialog is inexplicably moronic. The ending is slightly clever, believe it or not. Too bad I was bored way too much to even care about it! This isn't gore filled like a lot of Fulci movies, but fret not. This does have some. We get bloody stabbings an eyeball omelet served on a platter, nasty blood puking, maggot infested corpse, intestines are extracted from a stomach, and more. The acting isn't really worth mentioning. Everyone is dubbed, and pretty terrible. I will say Rosy (The lead) resembles Linda Hamilton in some ways.

Final Thoughts: As a big Lucio Fulci fan, I was very disappointed in this. I can't in good conscience, recommend this one to you, unless you're a die-hard Fulci fan that hasn't seen this movie.

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