Echols has a production credit. This is not an unbiased account.
8 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Documentaries are a genre close to my heart. It is difficult for the makers not to show bias one way or the other. However, it must be kept to a minimum for the sake of credibility.

The Executive Producer for this movie was...Damien Echols.

How can this even begin to be classed as an unbiased account? Anything he says is treated as gospel. A casual viewer would believe him. Hey, this is a documentary, right? Wrong. It's propaganda.

Echols lies. And it can easily be proved. His defence team also became desperate. Examples?

1. ''I was scared of being stabbed in jail. I was continually raped.'' The only problem with this is that he states he was in solitary 24/7 365.

2. ''My lawyers let me down as I had an alibi but they didn't call them to the stand.'' Again, another lie. His alibi (''I was on the phone with 3 different people'') has been shot down. Those people have not given the police the correct info. His lawyers didn't call these witnesses as they would've helped the prosecution. Echols then tried to change his alibi a few times. And was caught out every single time. Misskelly's alibi was also shot to pieces (wrestling ticket was for a different week and the place was closed that day). Baldwin didn't even bother with an alibi.

3. Witnesses saw Echols leaving the area of the killings full of mud by a family in car. Again, you'll find this non existent in the 'documentaries'. I include 'Paradise Lost' in this list.

4. Two girls took the stand and said Echols bragged about the murders in a park. He called the girls 'liars'. Later, he admitted he did say this. But he was only joking (purrlease).

5. Misskelly confessed several times. Around half a dozen times. Not once after 10 (then 12 then 17 hours as Echol's sheep claim) hours. Mulitple times. Even months later. He called his own lawyer. That's right. Misskelly requested the chance to get it all off his chest. His lawyer begged him not to. Was that a forced confession? His early confessions revealed knowledge of the crime scene. Echols was also caught out on this. Search and you'll find it.

6. Desperate acts by the defence team. First, trying to blame a mystery man nicknamed 'Bojangles'. Then, Paradise Lost 2 spent the entire movie throwing mud at Byers (one of the fathers of the victims). That failed. It was so obvious it wasn't Byers they are trying to blame Hobbs (another father). DNA is the shout from the Echols camp. Sadly (for them) it's a single hair on a shoelace. The kids regularly played at his home and secondary transfer would actually be quite probable. Even if it is his hair (which also can't be proved 100%).

7. The kids were killed elsewhere. The lack of blood at the crime scene indicated that (so say Echols and the defence team). Well, they are blaming Hobbs. That means he stripped them, killed them and then must have took their bodies to the woods. Only problem with that is that the kid's clothes were staked into the water with a stick. So, Hobbs must've taken their clothes with him too. Or dressed them and undressed them in the woods post mortem. Utterly ridiculous. That's why the police are not interested in Hobbs.

8. Echols claims he only suffered with depression as a teenager and had no problems with the law (on Piers Morgan's show). That is a huge lie. His medical records are on the internet at a website called 'Callaghan'. Many health professionals (not just one as Echols claims) have entered their findings. Most of which pre dates the crime. Not as Echols states...after the crime to get him off the death penalty. The reports are actually quite revealing. Arson. Animal cruelty (killing animals including dogs). Thinking he was god. Believing he was possessed by a spirit. Biting peers and drinking their blood. Wanting to sacrifice his unborn child to the devil. These were written by healthcare officials BEFORE his arrest. He was also pulled for public masturbation a few weeks before the murders.

The movie is well made, but it has an agenda.

If this is a documentary then so is Loose Change.

Check the facts of the case at Callaghan and wm3thetruth. It's unbiased and is run by three people (Callaghan). Two of whom believe the three are innocent.

Just check the facts. I've only scraped the surface in the comments above.
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