Peter Gunn: Letter of the Law (1960)
Season 2, Episode 35
Family Guilt
3 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
PETER GUNN – Letter of the Law - 1960

This is episode 73 from the 1958 to 1961 P.I. series, PETER GUNN. Craig Stevens headlines as the hard as nails detective who always dresses with style. Regulars in the series are Minerva Urecal as the owner of MOTHER'S jazz club, and Lola Albright. Albright plays Stevens' squeeze, Edie Hart, who is the club singer at, MOTHER'S.

P.I. Peter Gunn, (Craig Stevens) is called to the office of the local District Attorney, Frank Overton. Overton would like Stevens to handle a personal matter for him. It seems that Overton's son, Andrew Prine, is one of the lead suspects in a murder investigation. The other main suspect is mobster, Lewis Charles.

Stevens agrees to look into the matter, but tells Overton he will not be involved in a cover-up if Prine turns out to be guilty. Stevens has a few words with Prine about the dead woman. Prine admits that they had been having it off but the tryst had ended weeks before.

Stevens gets a less than friendly reception from Lewis Charles and his crew. The mobster tells Stevens to mind his own business etc. Stevens of course will not take no for an answer. Once the gangster sees Steven's is playing it straight, he coughs up the info.

Stevens hits the night-club where the dead woman worked and keeps digging. He soon finds some proof that Prine indeed did do the crime. Stevens informs the DA, Overton. Overton, true to his word, calls in the Police to arrest and charge his son.
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