Weak Nunsploitation, relatively tame as well
2 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
(Credit IMDb) Lucita has been locked away in a convent by her family in order to keep her away from her lover, Esteban. The pair make plans to elope, but Esteban is accused of heresy before Lucita can escape. Hiding in the convent, Esteban discovers the horrifying depravity of the convent's abbess, Sister Incarnation. Can Esteban rescue his love from this madhouse before the inquisitor discovers what is going on and has everyone executed?

This movie really only appeals to certain type of viewers. Call me crass, uncouth, whatever you like, but I enjoy the exploitation genre. I suppose you can call this "Nunsploitation" There isn't that much controversy in this movie. It's relatively tame and very boring in all honesty. There are way too many scenes where nothing interesting happens. The plot sure doesn't live up to its title. We get a fair amount of nudity, brief scenes of nuns fondling each other, but there is nothing really outrageous like you may expect. We do get plenty of degradation, debauchery, but nothing outlandish. The set pieces are good, it mirrors the time period, but it's very tame, aside from the OTT finale where the women lose their minds, but even that isn't controversial. The weirdest scene for me, was when Lacita randomly lets another nun take her clothes off and pleasure her, and Lacita is in a relationship!

Final Thoughts.

This was a very boring affair that doesn't live up to its title. Exploitation fans will most likely be bored as well. If you want a decent nun movie, check out Killer Nun

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