Open House (1987)
A contender for one of the worst horror films ever made
7 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was so boring, I can't fully give you the plot details. A psychopathic killer stalks Real Estate agents (Barbeau) while a Dr. Phil wannabe solves people's problems on a radio show. That's all I remember, wasn't paying enough attention. It wasn't all flowers and roses when it came to horror movies in the 80's. Yes, there was some major classics and enjoyably cheesy horror films, but also excruciating duds like this one. This is painfully amateurish, with actors that are in badly need of an acting lesson. It also begs the question. Why did Adrienne Barbeau agree to star in this crap? Did she need a paycheck that badly? It is filled with laughable dialog and endless talky scenes that seem to go on forever. There is no entertainment value in this movie what so ever. As a matter of fact, it's completely void of it. Not much gore in this one, aside from chopped off fingers, blood splashes, and a lame death by electrocution. It also has some stupid plot holes. Why is the killer stupid enough to call on air? You're just begging to be found. Check out that random moment where the killer ties a Real Estate agent up, and acts like a total pervert by pouring champagne down her breasts.

Overall thoughts. Leave this movie in obscurity where it belongs. I'm sure Barbeau regrets doing it. If you are a masochist, this movie is available on YouTube.

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