Peter Gunn: Fill the Cup (1960)
Season 2, Episode 18
A Real Departure
16 May 2014
I expect this 30-minutes was the closest thing to a nightmare to be found on serial TV of the time. That opening is downright surreal—human eyeballs alternating with frog eyeballs with spiders thrown in. It's unexpected and jarring. Getty's an alcoholic and he's got a galloping case of the dt's (delirium tremons). Turns out he's imagining all sorts of nightmarish things. In a fleeting moment of sobriety, he hires a reluctant Pete to keep him off the Jack Daniels so he can meet his daughter at the airport in a reasonably sane manner.

The rest of the episode is almost as nightmarish as Getty escapes Pete and claws for a drink, anywhere and everywhere. Frankly, I'm reconsidering my next glass of wine. In fact, Getty's desperation almost makes the celebrated alcoholic The Lost Weekend, (1945) appear like a walk in the park. I wouldn't be surprised there's a backstory here since the entry works more like a message instead of a mystery. In fact, Pete's almost incidental to the storyline. Anyway Kudos to actor McIntire for a jarringly good performance; plus, that's his real life daughter playing his TV daughter. Also, the ending is quite appropriate and another departure from expectations. All in all, it's basically a one-man show and a real novelty for TV of the time. So don't miss it.
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