Broken Fences (2008)
This movie is absolutely hilarious !!
15 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
And that hilarity comes from this ... movie(?) ... being sssooo bad.

Everything about this story is just simpleminded; simpleminded script, simpleminded plot, simpleminded dialog, simpleminded acting, etc. I had to watch because I guess I needed a simpleminded laugh.

Here's the plot - Joe is a simpleminded man trying to earn a simple life on his simple ranch (by the way does 3 or 4 cows and 3 chickens make a ranch?) He knows about 42 simple words. He simply has the hots for Kim who runs the local simple general store/cafe. I think she had about 5 cans of soup and a bag of flower. One day Dylan comes home from jail to help his dad Joe on the simple ranch.

Now Dylan is the epitome of simpleminded! He tell his dad to put the blast on Kim. While dad & Kim are getting drunk at the local bar (she tells Joe she practically lives there!!!) Dylan stays home to protect the ranch from lions and then shoots some dude dead because Dylan didn't like the way the dude spelled FAGG (thats the spelling). Joe & Kim are simply besotted with each other and don't realize that Dylan has a body buried under foot.

The sheriff comes looking for the now dead dude. Dylan doesn't care for the sheriff snooping about so Dylan shoots him too. Now Kim comes out to this simple ranch and discovers the dead sheriff. At that moment Dylan decides to get into a 'rasslin match' with Kim. Kim suddenly finds herself impaled on a giant hay bale hook and simply dies. Joe walks in and grabs his son telling him how much he loves him and then shoots Dylans innards out with his simple handgun. Joe goes to his simple log house, puts on a country record, sits down and I guess he just wants to think about and enjoy his simple life.

The end !
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