Review of Rabies

Rabies (2010)
Now i am angry
18 November 2014
Because i expected this to be crap, but got "convinced" otherwise by positive reviews (not only on IMDb).

People must have gone silly, i don't even know where to start explaining how bad this movie is. The dialogues are so fake and silly, i felt how my brain begs for mercy. It's impossible to care about any of these guys & gals. The acting so wooden, you never can get rid of the feeling it's just a stupid movie. Never, i almost expected to see cameras and someone asking for a break.

The story, if you can call it that - a complete mess. This movie does not take itself serious, and normally this helps a bit to tolerate bullshit but not here... the jokes are not funny, they come in the wrong moments and it just adds more nonsense.

Needless to say it's also not scary at all. All this nonsense about it being something new because the killer is just a sidekick...forget it. Doesn't matter who kills who and what happens, it's all random anyway because they obviously had no idea what to do with their own stupid film.

I also don't care about it being the first horror movie from Israel. Yea it's horror, but only for your brain cells. 1 star cause i cannot go any lower, 0 stars for everyone who gives this a positive review. Unbelievable...
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