Not so bad horror flick
22 November 2014
While I stop short of calling this a 'good' movie, it's slightly better than so-so. I watch a lot of horror B movies, and a great many deserve a rating of 2.6 and around there, but that would be a bit harsh of a rating for this one in my opinion. The acting is decent, directing, writing, and composition are also respectable, so I tentatively give this one a 5. I've most certainly seen worse. If you enjoy possession type movies and run-of-the-mill slashers, you'll probably like this movie. I don't expect this one to win any Emmies, but it was alright as low budget horrors go. When I decided to review this movie I wasn't expecting to have to write a novel about it. While I am required to write at least ten lines or 1000 words, there really isn't anything left to tell. It's a low budget horror movie, not a deep thought provoking drama with symbolic undertones commenting on societal attitudes and an emotionally rich plot and musical score. Perhaps the folks at IMDb don't believe folks should bother reviewing movies that are fairly basic in content. If that's not the case perhaps they might consider revisiting the requirements for posting a review.
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