Land of the Giants: Every Dog Needs a Boy (1969)
Season 2, Episode 8
Features a Horrible Misguided Youth
2 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Barry's dog is injured so Barry puts himself in a dangerous position by going to a giant Vet.

Generally speaking, I like Giants season one more than Giants season two. Season two is fine but it contained too many of these adventures where the "little people" feel the need to reveal themselves to the giants. When you get too much of this it ends up making the giants seem like less of a menace. And the giants being a menace is what season one was all about.

But having said all that, Every Dog Needs a Dog is fine, mainly because it features one of the most horrible giant characters and one of the best giant characters to appear in the whole 51 episodes of the series: and he is just a long haired boy.

Adding to this, the hour does a nice job of presenting the day in the life of a Vet's shop, and the trouble making kid gets what he deserves in the end. If this story were made today it probably would have ended with the kid walking the streets making trouble somewhere else. But this story ends on a nice positive note.
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