Vikings: Born Again (2015)
Season 3, Episode 6
The price of confession for wretched souls
27 March 2015
Discretion is the better part of valor, in Vikings it may very well be the only salvation. Alas, some characters deem it necessary, either forced or their own convictions, to blur their hearts out. These revelations push the plot and certainly shape the direction for the rest of the season.

Vikings are preparing for Paris raid, the characters have assembled and even though the promise of fortune might seem tempting, this eclectic bunch seems volatile at best. Meanwhile the massacre of Vikings settlement has brewed an impending consequence. With two targets at sight, Ragnar is falling deeper into wickedness.

Travis Fimmel shows wide range of emotions this episode. He's the main lead, but the season has been generous to share the spotlight to many characters. Now he performs very well not only as the leader persona, but also as a human at heart. New alliances are forged and with the shocking developments, and other supporting characters have the chance to grow.

Bjorn remains divided as a father and a husband, as these roles are not complimenting each other. Lagertha surprisingly doesn't lash out, too much, after she lost everything. However, she is with good companies, so she might have more than she thinks. Rollo and Floki make some progress from their respective roles, especially Floki who is stuck in jealous colleague role for half a season.

A few subtle details like the change of visual tone and the hum of a bard bring the atmosphere to live. The couple of heavy twists create a solemn orientation to the episode, almost in spiritual manner. This holds especially true for Ragnar, who is ironically detached from argument of faith so far. This might not delight his soul, but with it his mind is honed to pierce the wall of stone.
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