Daredevil: Shadows in the Glass (2015)
Season 1, Episode 8
A King is Born
6 May 2015
Now 8 episodes in, we haven't had a Wilson Fisk centered episode, that is until now. As much as I wanted to learn more about what made Fisk the manipulating guy that he is, I had no idea the amount of suffering that he went through as a kid, and I'm sure I'm glad that I watched it. As we found out more about Wilson, the crew found out more about each other, with some quality trinity time.

The opening scene with the classical music mixed with the haunting images of young Wilson's bloody face along with Wilson's colorless life now was horrifying to watch. D'Onofrio's performance is growing on me as he is no longer a one note powerful businessman. He is a tortured soul that truly believes what he's doing is right. The scene in the episode with Mahoney and Fisk discussing how to take out his partner made it clear that Fisk would rather not do the dirty work, instead he wishes to brush the horrors of his youth onto other people. His father forced him to become a 'man' and beat another person up. In turn, he ended up killing his own father using that same rage. It almost felt like Fargo season 1 all over again with that hammer. So he forces Mahoney into injecting a poison into his own partners body to put him to rest and to get rid of any tracks that led Fisk to his murder. Then to see Fisk give the ending speech to 'save' the city, showed us that Fisk easily has the upperhand and it's going to take a whole lot to stop him.

Fisk is awkward and actually not the most powerful on the show. As you see by the last scene, there are others that are even pulling the strings behind him. So with an abuse scene and just an overall bloody and murderish episode, this didn't feel like Marvel at all. But I think the show is heading in the right direction. Hopefully soon we will finally get the meeting between Fisk and Murdock that we have all been waiting for.

+Fisk is humanized, sort of.

+Poetically tragic opening scene

+The trio catches up with each other

-The abuse tended to go a little far

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