Girl Meets World: Girl Meets Belief (2015)
Season 2, Episode 24
Lost a viewer
13 November 2015
While I absolutely adore girl meets world, and I like that they teach us to believe in friendship and possibility, this episode was very anti -atheists and agnostics. They are telling those of us that believe in a scientific world view that we are less, that we have less hope and less possibilities. But science is in itself a marvel. I believe that there isn't a higher power, so it's up to us to make this world better. I don't mind if they discuss Christian or multiple beliefs in a show, as long as they don't bully or target characters like Farkle or Maya for not believing. I love Sabrina Carpenter (Maya), but I don't know if I will be able to continue watching this show, which I have loved up till this point.
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