Christmas Incorporated (2015 TV Movie)
Unfortunately, a Hallmark DUD
22 January 2016
I adore hallmark movies, especially during the holidays. While some may view them as cheesy and cliché, I think they are sweet and heart warming (though quite predictable). This movie, though, was dreadfully terrible. The story plot was not bad in itself, but the writing was blah. What made the film truly fail was the lack of chemistry between the two leads. It was overwhelming obvious that if either lead had a choice of being stuck on a desert island with their costar or being stuck alone, they would choose the latter. I've seen the lead actor Steve Lund in other projects, and he's okay, but this is first time I've seen the actress Shenae Grimes-Beech and her acting in this project was way over-the-top (i.e. trying way too hard). Alas... all of it added up to awfulness. I recommend that you take a pass on this.

The only bright star in this film is Jane Moffat. She did a lovely job.
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