The Undead (1957)
Underrated Gem - I Enjoyed The Film
22 January 2016
This is my style of 1950s horror. It's has the elements for a fun horror: time travel, hypnotism, witches, a devil, medieval setting, and magic. The film also has great direction, cinematography, casting and story with an awesome atmosphere.

It's hard to believe this film has such a low rating; its' severely underrated - in my opinion. This is a B film... a low budget film. The critics should never watch a low budget film if they are going to complain about it being on a low budget - that seems to be a big complaint about this film - not enough money. Sure if they had more money to make this film then it would have been even better that it already is.

Another complaint about this film is it's mistakes. Every single film out there has mistakes in it - including multi-million dollar films. Read the "goofs" section - every film will have them.

This is a fun fantasy-horror that is easy to kick back and enjoy. Ignore the critics and judge the film for yourself. This film is entertaining in it's own way.

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