984: Prisoner of the Future (1982 TV Movie)
No Wonder The TV Show Idea Was Axed - Boring!
10 November 2016
This movie (TV show pilot) is BORING! It started out interesting and then turned into one long borefest! I can see why the idea for the TV series was axed. The film makes no sense whatsoever... they should have reveled why in the heck they were really prisoners beside this "enemy of Dr. what's his name" stuff. I mean the potential was there for a good film and maybe an okay TV series but this pilot pretty much sucks.

I felt nothing for any of the characters. The one's that were captured and imprisoned for no real reason - I didn't feel bad for at all! They were very flat characters that I didn't care if the "bad guys" killed or let go. I really didn't care! That's one of the biggest problems with this film - flat characters in suits and ties that you can't sympathies with at all. It's like "who cares if they are imprisoned, they probably deserved it anyway but I really don't know because they aren't letting us know really anything solid about them".

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