Joey's Movies (2014– )
Biased Review
21 November 2016
I'm the idiot who made this show and even though it can be hard I love it. The show started out on a web-cam (all of those episodes have been reckoned) and is now scripted with FX and guests. I was inspired to make reviews by Spoony, The Bad Movie Reviewer, ChrisPat8 and the Cinema Snob and even though there are moments where their influence can be seen I feel I have developed my own style apart from them. I like doing dumb Sci-Fi Channel movies like Lake Placid vs Anaconda, and shot-on-video movies the most but every once in a while I do something different. I am my own worst critic (despite giving the show a 9 out of 10) and I hope to continue to make the show better and better for as along as I can or have a platform to do it.
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