3.5 Is A Winner!
18 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I managed to make it to the local multi-plex over the weekend, in spite of some lousy weather, to see this with the family, along with our annual Christmas exchange. I'll try to do my best not to post any major *SPOILERS* but won't promise anything for sure LOL.

For anyone who doesn't know by now, this is not in the "series" of SW films, as far as episode I, II, III, etc.. I guess, however, you could call this "Episode 3.5" since it's set between "Revenge of the Sith" and "A New Hope," and concerns a plot involving the newly-formed "Death Star." Felicity Jones ("The Theory of Everything") is our heroine, and she is great in the lead role -- I see her character's nick-name, "Stardust" actually in her immediate future. I know I've seen her co-star, Diego Luna in a few things over the years, and he's also great in the co-starring role.

I see this was directed by Gareth Edwards, who previously helmed the 2010 CGI-animated "Monsters" as well as the recent 2014 reboot of "Godzilla." He remains true to the storytelling and action format of all the other SW films.

I do notice a couple things about this "Star Wars Story", possible *spoiler*, although nothing too important. The main John Williams "Star Wars March" is not included in the music score, and there is no opening "crawl" giving an update on the latest happenings in the SW universe.

Chinese martial arts star, Donnie Yen, is pretty awesome as a blind warrior who believes in the Force, and I had to look into this, but Alan Tudyk ("Firefly") in many ways steals the show in the "comic relief" dept. as "K-2SO," a Rebel-owned Imperial enforcer droid whose memory is wiped by Andor. He sorta reminds me of a robotic version of "Sheldon" from TV's "Big Bang Theory" (okay so regular version of Sheldon LOL).

Heavy hitters, Oscar winner Forest Whitaker and Mads Mikkelsen, also play major characters. And O-M-G they managed to recreate using a CGI digital technology likeness, Peter Cushing! Absolutely AMAZING!! I give this movie almost a perfect rating -- a 9/10 at IMDb! Loved this!
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