2 Broke Girls: And the Kosher Cupcakes (2012)
Season 1, Episode 17
I'm just writing in response to the negative review
14 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
OK, we get it. You don't like things that are contentious. You're watching the wrong show then! To begin with, they didn't serve the non-Kosher cupcakes. Max put 4 non-kosher ones in because she accidentally burnt some. I am not defending her. Furthermore, it's not surprising that Max would think it's okay to do so. A LOT of people don't understand the difference between kosher and non-kosher. Max is the perfect character who would choose to ignore this distinction. She learns her lesson - they don't get paid, and the mother is forgiving. As for the grandmother being a stereotype... um, did you not recognize her? She's the same woman who played Fran's mother on the Nanny and that show is ripe with Jewish stereotypes. Do you have a problem with that show? On that note you can tell with this family due to their appearance, colloquialisms, manner, and approach to certain traditions that they are not like most Jewish families today. They are still very attached to the old ways. There are some Jews today in the world like this. Portraying them that way is not wrong when it's accurate. Now, as for the boys, no, you wouldn't see something like that. However, many young people often break away from tradition. Many are influenced by peers and things they see in the media. I've seen younger children act worse than that with even more oblivious parents. It's comedy. It's nowhere near as bad as other things people try to pass off as comedy. Watch any Adam Sandler movie especially 'That's My Boy' and you'll see. So, I'm hoping by now you've stopped watching because this show is obviously not for you if you can't handle something this tame.
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