Sausage Party (2016)
11 April 2017
The trailers look that it was going to be a fun film. They were probably only non-R rated bits of the film! It's full of profanity from start to finish. Sexual innuendo and just plain sexual jokes. You can put up with a bit of humour like that, but this is 90 minutes of it and almost the entire basis of the film.

I'm just glad I never talked someone in to going to the cinema with me to see this. I'd have been very embarrassed!

Did I laugh? Yes, but more because I'd wasted my money on this! A dejected laugh of why am I wasting my time watching when there's so many other good films? Sadly, that reason was because I'd bought the disc...

So it's a 3/10 mainly because the idea was good, the animation was good, but the constant stream of unfunny sexual jokes and unnecessary swearing isn't amusing.
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