Vikings: Born Again (2015)
Season 3, Episode 6
Returning to the Christian Faith
5 October 2017
Ragnar learns more about Paris with Athelstan and them he has an argument with Auslag. Porunn deliver a baby girl that becomes the pride and joy of Bjorn and Lagherta. Floki brings a settler that survived the attack of Aethelwulf to talk to Ragnar and he has a surprising attitude. Athelstan sees the presence of the Lord through a light and returns to the Christian faith, denying the pagan Gods.He tells Ragnar but Floki is following him and trying to convince Bjorn that Athelstan hates their gods. Aethelwulf brings Judith to the public to torture her and learn the name of the father of her baby. Ragnar receives his allied to the raid to Paris including Kalf and Horit's son and they celebrate with a party. Porunn rejects Bjorn and convinces him to hit on Torvi. Floki sees signs of his god and leaves Helga asking her to not tell to anybody. What will Floki do?

"Born Again" is another episode of "Vikings" full of surprises. The last scene with Ragnar and his friend Athelstan shows how much Ragnar loved him. Bjorn will maybe find trouble with his new relationship with Torvi. How will be the next encounter of Ragnar and Floki? What is Ragnar about to do? My vote is eight.

Title (Brazil): "Born Again"
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