Peter Gunn: The Crossbow (1960)
Season 2, Episode 36
Colorful and Piercing
10 October 2017
Good exotic episode except for one thing—there's not a girl in sight! It's just a bunch of ugly guys-- my eyes are still hurting. Naturally the prospect of an archaic weapon like a crossbow is a draw, and we get to see a lot of them in action. I had no idea of their piercing power, but I do now. So who's bumping off ordinary people with the danged thing. There appears no motive or connecting thread. So Pete and Jacoby got their work cut out.

Great exotic cast, especially the deliciously snobby Henry Daniell who crossed swords with the best of the swashbucklers (Flynn, Power) in Hollywood's golden years. All his high-falutin' dialogue must have kept the screenwriter up all night. Also, there's baldy Ted Marcuse as another big-words guy who knows all about crossbows. Catch that anti-war message his character sneaks in with a graphic, a political note the series usually avoided. And lending even more color is big, burly George Kennedy as Karl, the gardener, a quietly intriguing presence. All in all, it's an engaging half-hour full of color and interest, if not well- turned ankles.
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