Time to re-value Shelley Duvall
16 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Film-history does not know any actress with looks, comparable to those of Shelley Duvall. Her performances of good-hearted, uncomplicated women, simple but not stupid, have become Duvall's trademark, Her unique face & body-moving add at least 10% extra to each film she is in.

Although 'Thieves like us' isn't Duvall's most famous production, it surely provides a setting that suits her talents excellently. Here we really touch on the best 'Thieves like us' has to offer: a magnificent picturing of the countryside in the state of Mississipi in the 1930s. Positively accentuated by the use of radio-broadcasts from those days.

'Thieves like us' dates from 1974. Watching it still provides you with a two hour experience, considerably up-valued by Shelley Duvall's performance. An experience that has in no way been dented by the passing of time. And probably won't be in the next 100 years to come.
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