Supergirl: Immortal Kombat (2020)
Season 5, Episode 19
Good Ending but not a Great One
18 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This isn't the Supergirl Show anymore, it's the Lex Luthor Show!

Leviathan was built up as dangerous and a formidable opponent at the end of Season 4 but this season really hasn't showed much of them at all, especially after Crisis. It's all been about how Lex rose to power and how he is continuing to gain power.

Leviathan has just been established as a pawn in Lex's game which is quite disappointing. I really don't understand how Jemma even trusted Lex in the first place (yes I know he played her by faking his care for them but don't they really know Lex's intentions since they are supposed to be Immortal Gods).

Also I understand how Supergirl's speech influenced the people to leave the Unity Festival (which was a great speech) but what I don't get is how all of them chose to leave it. I mean there would at least be some people who would have considered to stay.

Eve Tessmacher character was also ruined this season revealing that she only joined Leviathan because they threatened here mother (that could have been done better).

However, I did like Lena and Supegirl reconciling in this episode, it added depth to both their character's development and you could feel the chemistry between them.
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