Watch as Super Argo fights faceless giants that have faces!
11 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was a laugh riot and incredibly cheesy like most of the Italian secret agent films from the era. This one basically features a guy who seems to be a knockoff of the Phantom the purple clad hero who wears a mask and for reasons unknown is popular in Europe. Seriously, dude wears purple in the jungle, what's up with that? The man difference, this guy has a red outfit and he has powers that he randomly uses as he tries to complete his new mission! Apparently there is another film, but he did not have the powers in his first outing.

The story has a group of strange men kidnapping professional athletes. These strange men are neither giants or faceless, so that is kind of a bummer. I mean they are sort of tall, but 6 foot tall is hardly giant. Well, this one guy is pressured into bringing in Super Argo reluctantly, and who can blame him as Super Argo kind of screws up a lot during the first portion of the film as he allows a girl he promised to protect get kidnapped and kind of just breaks off pursuit of her and then later manages to lose the people he is tailing. He also should ditch the sidekick as at one point Super Argo is kicking the faceless giants with faces butts and his stupid sidekick gets stuck in quicksand. I mean the dude is constantly whining to Argo for help. At some point Argo finds the enemy stronghold that was literally pointed out to him by a woman working with the mad scientist type earlier in the film. Literally, he lost the guys he was tailing, they disappeared in the area and there is a lone castle in the general vicinity. Hm, wonder where that hideout could be?

This guy is a joke as he is a professional wrestler and he wears the costume because it brings him luck...at least that is what he tells one girl. Later he is shot point blank in the crotch and says, "Thank goodness my suit is bulletproof." Um, I would think that would be the reason he was wearing it. Meanwhile, at one point he is in the elevator with the people he rescued and the elevator opens and a guy starts shooting and Argo ducks to the side, leading to one of the prisoner's death! Wow, not too super Argo! And why are you making these guys who are prisoners fight? Haven't they been through enough?

So, this guy is not to super and his powers are inconsistent, but it is still a rather fun movie to watch. Very reminiscent of Danger Death Ray, another Italian secret agent film that is super cheesy, but this one has that one beat as at least this one did not resort to toys in a bathtub for action scenes. One thing that was confusing was the whole kidnapping the athletes thing. At first, I thought they were being turned into the robots, but then at the end they are prisoners. So what was the point? Were the extra guys going to be turned to robots and if that is the case didn't Super Argo kind of kill a whole lot of innocent people who got turned into robots, if so not very super. I mean, Batman was able to separate men turned into dust and reform them, you couldn't even turn a man back from being a robot!
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