Read the book!!! The show is far from it.
26 August 2020
Can I just type Boo over and over again as my review? Lol

I can't rant enough at how angry I feel. They took a good book and DESTROYED IT!!!! I'm caught between giving it a 7 because it's watchable. I don't give under 5 unless it's boring or just that awful. So I'm considering giving this a 4. I've only watched up to the end of ep 3, but I'm writing this ahead.

I HATE Mia!!! I hate her SOOOOO much!!! I really liked everyone in the book. Honestly I wanted to punch her in the face. I almost NEVER feel that way.

There's always changes made when there's adaptations of books but they went way WAY too far in the changes. It's almost not even the book anymore. So if you plan to watch this thinking you're getting the same as the book but visual? You will be sorely wrong. It's like they've gone too far! There was NO race or LGBTQ issues in the book. Ok no race issue like they're focusing on. I'm so mad. I swear it's thrown in to hit current topics very publicized right now. You want to do that? Fine! But make something original. Done use a book to do so. I feel it takes from the real issue the book put forth.

They've changed people so much they aren't really their characters anymore. Closest would probably be Pearl. The show also focuses on Reese's character much more than the book. I LOVE Reese so I let that slide. Lol But there just isn't as much focus on the kids as it is in the book. Agh!!! They've just gone too far. I'm really upset. I was so pumped with what Reese had to deliver and now I'm so angry during all of it that I can't say I'm even enjoying it. I'm not going into details to prevent spoilers. Ugh I can't stand it. Mia's character bothers me the MOST!!! Like why did we have to give her all these loose morals? Why did they have to take straight kindness and turn it into a pity/racial undertones. I'm so mad. I just can't.

I'll finish the show but I'm so disappointed. Whether you liked the show or not. Pick up the book. Heck if you are debating on watching the show. Read the book first. It's a common thing we are always told but it's not always the case. Hey! I watched Water for Elephants (Reese again <3) then decided to read the book. The movie was much better in my opinion. The changes were good. Maybe it's because I watched the movie first. I'm not sure. Anyway sometimes I read about the differences to decide if I'll read the book or not and to get a sense of what I might be missing if I don't read the book. Well! You could read all blogs, websites, articles, etc explaining the differences but you won't get it. You can't! Because they went too far. You won't get a sense or feel of each character nor how they think. You need to read it to get that bond with them. I found the book to be beautiful. Even to the ending which was in a sense open ended which I hate but couldn't because it was just too beautifully done. It was heartbreaking and tragic in a way different than well anything I've ever read before. It was also very realistic/true to life. We don't always get those nice wrap ups. Life just doesn't go how we wish or intend. It takes time to learn to accept it as the way life goes.

I understand why it takes place in the 90's which you can probably figure out or we'd have some serious plotholes.

Another thing with the show that impresses yet bothers me is how young the teens look. I'm impressed because they actually look like teens rather than the nearly 30 actors we've often seen in the past. It's hard to see these issues with children but it's the reality. The older we get the more teens do look like children and it's really hard to accept where they are at emotionally but especially sexually. It's almost cruel, puberty. If only our bodies weren't so ready for sex well before our minds are. We think we are ready but we aren't. Not at that age. Whether you agree or not. That's how I feel and most people as they age seem to agree. We think we are older than we are as teens. Yet we are children. Our minds are still growing. Find me a teen that believes that though? Lol

Okay! I am done now. So?! Is it just me or is there no other adaptation so far from the book it's almost not connected anymore? It's like they were given a framework of what the content will be about. It's someone else's interpretation of that framework to make a series verses the author. I don't get it. I almost feel I have to reread the book t be sure of what my memory recalls. At times I asked myself "are you sure that wasn't in the book?" I was nearly considering.

Go read the book!
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