The Punisher (2004)
So-so shoot'em up
17 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Of course, nobody can do the Punisher as well as John Bernthal: dark, haunted, coarse but not stupid, and with a soft-heart under it all. But Thomas Jane is particularly miscast. Sure Jane has the muscles, but his all-american good looks betray no tortured past.

Speaking of mis-casting, John Travolta is terrible as the bad guy. He's just not mean enough. He is not scary at all. All I could think of is his goofy grin in Grease and Pulp Fiction.

I watched the initial scene twice where the whole plot is set up, and I couldn't figure out what happened for the life of me. Who were the two kids buying drugs? Why were they on the docks playing the big leagues? What did Frank Castle do in this scene? It is really bad story telling.

Of course, if you like movies where the bad guys get their due, as I do, there's plenty of that.
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