Never expected Emily to be the best character
14 February 2021
I just can't imagine what the writers were thinking. Why would anyone enjoy watching a show where a girl who has everything going for her; is smart, went to a good college, has a rich family willing to help... why anyone would want to watch someone like this squander every opportunity both professionally and romantically. It doesn't really make sense that a girl so smart in the beginning would end up as such a failure a such and destructive person not just to herself but to any romantic partner she encounters.

Amy Shermin-Paladino apparently said she wanted Rory to follow in her mothers foot steps but that doesn't really make sense at all because Loralie took a bad situation in life and made it good. Rory took a good situation in life and made it bad.

It just really doesn't make sense, it's like the writers hate Rory. Sure there are people out there who have every opportunity in life and mess up anyway but no one wants to watch a show about those people.
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