I Care a Lot (2020)
Surprisingly satisfying
28 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers* I would not normally like the kinds of characters in this film, and spent most of it dying for Rosamund Pike's character to get her comeuppance. Peter Dinklage's is also pretty unlikeable, so whilst I wanted him to rescue his mum, I wasn't overly enamoured with him either, and was wondering how the movie was going to pull this story to a satisfactory conclusion that didn't seem to reward evil people, or end as death all round. And don't get me wrong, the ending was suitably moralistic, a little foreshadowed, and nicely poetic, so they managed that. What I didn't expect was this film to give me the 'bonnie & clyde' vibe - which to me denotes a movie where you end up wanting to see how far the main characters can go - whereby I end up rooting for amoral, evil lead characters, just because they're so unapologetically so. The ending was a good shock to the system after getting caught up in that moment, to remind you that these people are evil and really shouldn't win, but that moment before was actually one I relished a bit. Not many movies manage that, and none as well as Natural Born Killers, but it was an unexpected moment in this one that pulled the story out of being drab and forgettable. May well watch again.
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