Dylan's side, finally
8 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I notice people writing the really scathing reviews have not actually seen this documentary. Today is March 8th and the 3rd in the series has just come out. The one star negative reviews are in February. Anyway, I started this series not knowing anything about Dylan and the accusations about her abuse by Allen. After episode one was somewhat on the fence although I believed Dylan when she spoke. Episode 2 was OMG this may be true. Just watched episode 3 and feeling no doubts at all. Allen has controled the narrative for all these years and obviously has an enormous support for his side. Meanwhile Mia has just been labeled the vengeful 'scorned woman' on a vendetta agains poor Woody Allen. Yeah, right. So, yes the documentary is one sided, telling Mia's side, and most importantly Dylan's, but that doesn't make it untrue. As far as the film goes its very well done in all the ways. Well researched, a compelling story and visually great to watch. The thing that stands out most for me is how the story builds in momentum using interviews and court cases. I am glad that Dylan finally gets her story told.
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