Miami Vice: The Home Invaders (1985)
Season 1, Episode 19
26 May 2021
I don't get the love for this episode. It's pretty middle of the road, generic Miami Vice. By today's standards it's a little slow and lacking in suspense, yet there's also no great mystery to get caught up in. Mainly, I just don't get what Edward James Olmos is doing in general with his role. I think it's some left over, toxic version of macho that he got from Dirty Harry maybe? Maybe inspired by quaaludes? It's so unrealistic and mannered that his performance always takes me out of the action. All his Christian Bale/Batman whispering, downcast eyes, poor posture. I guess the cliché is that he's supposed to make us think he is barely controlling power. But I just don't get that from his performance. To me it almost looks subservient. His few supposed displays of power are unimpressive. I know he has done better work in other roles. It just doesn't work for me in this episode especially.
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