27 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
That's the sound that I want to make after watching this movie.

It's so bad, that it's hard to explain how bad it is. It's not even one of those "It's so bad, it's good" type of movies, just awful.

First, the story is stupid: they are after a device that can control every electronic device on earth. They also need to get this device before Dom's yet unknown brother that finally decides to make an appearance in the ninth film of the franchise (10th if you count Hobbs and Shaw) to become the main enemy of the team, because... reasons. Apparently, this brother that comes out of thin air in the FaF lore is responsible for the death of Dom's father, which is why Dom hates him. I DON'T CARE. This movie is too long and it's because of stuff like this. So the team embarks on this journey across the world to find the two parts of this device and get clues, or something. But, they don't get the device, but instead find magic magnets that only work when the script needs it to. Because they can't get their hands on the magic device, they need to send two of them in space to stop the device from being activated in a satellite, while the rest chase the truck that contains the device. What???

But honestly, this is nothing compared to the action scenes and the other problems of the movie. For example, this movie is full of clichés, terrible product placements, bad acting, dramatic poses, bad effects, etc. There is also no logic to how the magnet weapon works. Apparently, it's the strongest magnet ever, which would normally mean it catches or repulses everything around it, which is already impossible because of... you guessed it, physics, but nah, it only works when the script needs it to do so. Sometimes, it catches every single little thing, like phones, tools, cars, carts, guns, etc., sometimes, just the cars or guns. If it's the most powerful magnet, shouldn't it attract everything in every store and every pocket that it comes close to? But it also works without being attracted itself to other things, or destroying the cars that it's mounted to. This doesn't make any sense.

Besides this, the movie also has the habit of saving the main characters from danger at the last second. EVERY SINGLE TIME. The worst example of this is at the beginning when the crew is about to get killed by this gang of militants, but Roman comes in to save the day by coming out of nowhere to ram into the militants. Oh wow, the main characters survived an encounter with terrorists that have a severe case of the stormtrooper syndrome, I wasn't expecting that. But they do this thing many more times, this wasn't the last. They survive every single thing at them, without a problem, it's really annoying.

After this garbage formula to try and make action interesting and entertaining, they also add stuff that simply isn't possible. An example where Dom fights ten guys at once comes to mind. In that scene, the crew manages to stick all the guns and smoke grenades of the enemies on the wall with the magic magnet. The smoke starts to suffocate the bad guys, but not the good guys, because... physics don't count if you have a bald guy in his fifties fighting younger, more experienced soldiers in an action movie about cars, I think. They use this to their advantage to escape, while Dom tries to catch the guy with the device, but the soldiers catch up to him and fight him on this platform high above ground. He somehow manages to stand his ground in this clearly unfair fight, but he even manages to push every bad guy for second, to then use his muscles to pull down a concrete pillar, which destroys the platform and sends everyone in a pool below. The guy is literally strong enough to break off concrete from the ceiling.

Hey, guess what, that guy that died a couple of movies ago, he's alive, because... reasons.

Also, there is a scene where they are in japan, and while eating, the girls of the crew see a flag of Mexico. They think this is a reference to a sentence that was said before and decide to investigate the apartment. They are in Tokyo, there are probably thousands of flags of Mexico in Tokyo, but who cares about logic, let's enter without permission in this apartment, and of course, it's the apartment of the person they were looking for, but villains get in and they have this unrealistic fight, to get saved at the last section by the guy that everyone thought was dead. Seems legit.

I also want to talk about the space stuff. It is so dumb, it makes no sense. Also, how did the guys in Germany manage to get access to a jet to carry the car-rocket close to space??

Now, let's talk about the funky stunts. There is a part where Dom has to get across a bridge, but the bridge disappeared, so as he's getting chased by helicopters, he decides to run into a pole attached to a rope. The rope gets stuck to his car and he gets swung across the canyon. ???????? Bonus point, the helicopters even stop chasing him.

There is also a scene right before this where the bridge gets destroyed and starts falling while a car is going across that bridge, and the car doesn't fall. ???

There is also another scene where a Mustang jumps off a cliff and gets caught mid-air by a plane with magic magnets. What????

Honestly, there is so much more awful stuff, but I can't name it all. It would just like to mention the scene where a car gets attracted through a wall because of the magic magnets. The magnets somehow don't attract anything IN the building, but they attract a car with enough force to make it go through a wall. How???

With all of these horrible stunts, there is also a major lack of logic, boring characters, a switching of sides from the villain, bad physics, awful jokes, predictability, clichés, and the same ending as the other movies. There is even more than this, but it's too long to name it all.

It's hard to explain how bad it is in a written review, but save your money and don't go see this movie.
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