Raised by Wolves: The Beginning (2020)
Season 1, Episode 10
Not with a Bang
13 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In the lander on the way to the infested promise land of the ambiguously foretold birthing zone, Mother hums the only tune she's capable of and Father, at long last, finds it objectionable.

At the destination point Mary-Sue becomes the captain, issuing a command specifying where in the burnt-out, hostile territory they'll land (for their well-being), and then diligently directing them all to a creepy camp site that Mother ambiguously finds accommodating. In a creepy cave at the creepy camp site, Campion diligently helps situate Mother comfortably and he's pleased to advise reassuringly that he does indeed have a talent: he can sling rocks. Mary-Sue goes to run a medicanical test on Mother and the 'fetus' slithers noticeably in Mother's abdomen; Mary-Sue notices Mother is warm. Excitingly, the test results show that the cellular growth of the 'fetus' is off the charts; everyone's impressed by a big baby...

Hunter and Holly acquire, develop, and promote the belief that they are the New Apostles of Sol's Mysteries; specially chosen by Sol and spared the fiery death endured by their friends and families so that they may fulfill the exalted purpose of bearing witness to the semi-virgin birth of Sol's half-contraption miracle child. Paul meanwhile stumbles on an underground cave with unusual pictures that tell a moving serpentine story. His mother's never there again and an unidentifiable voice talks to him about special secrets.

Father becomes confused, stating with pride that Campion's become something of a warrior. Campion returns the gesture, becoming confused about how Father can become some warrior thing. Some 'pregnant' thing approaches and Father is rightly repelled. He asks Mother how her disturbingly odd pregnancy came to be, and she disturbingly discloses to him in digital detail the protocols of her virtually exceptional affair with the other machine. She insists that this shouldn't be disturbing and disturbingly goes on to describe the first batch of children as having been "only practice" for the benefit of the disturbing 'fetus' now coiled in her body cavity. Father is disturbed by the entire affair and Mother melodramatically accuses him of being childish, but this does not motivate him to stay. He storms off and Campion asks Mother where he's going, but there's a 'pregnant' pause as Mother continues being disturbed.

As 'His (Absolutely Trashed) Eminence' toddles in search of his 'kingdom' and his ill-begotten heir to the throne, he gets the momentary satisfaction of seeing that he's expatriated Hunter who now sits hopelessly on an immovable rock damaging himself with duplicitous serpentine maneuvers ever since his 'deliverance' at the crucible of the interesting unnatural structure.

Paul gives Campion his cute little evil mouse that's been diabolically leading him to ruin to take care of while he goes on a secret mission to jettison a needed control device that we'd be screwed without. It's a surprise and 'Mom' doesn't know where his ideas are coming from.

Father heads into the woods alone and tries to work out how to reconcile the 'family' bond, concluding that he'll need to wipe out his memories of their time together so he can start fresh; unburdened by the anger he feels in Mother's presence. He's confident that he won't fall for this new objectionable version of her in the future the way he fell for the (same, objectionable) version of her he once knew. He sees an unidentifiable person creeping on a mission and starts following him.

While precariously attempting communication with an unknown entity at the site of a chasm, Mother summons a degenerate. Father's done pissing off in the woods, but he shows up late and he is not useful; Mother has already (unsurprisingly) impaled the man with her impervious hand when Father arrives. They discover the degenerate has primitive man in his baggage and the evidence goes against their initial impression that a process of evolution has been taking place. Man is devolving in this domain and Father correctly notes that he and Mother are dangerously ignorant. As Father covers him up shallowly, he and Mother resolve to keep the whole thing a secret.

Seeing some vile results, Mary-Sue suddenly realizes she needs to get to Mother fast. But it's too late and Paul takes up her gun against her, saying she's not his mother but a demon that wants to stop the 'miracle'. Asking Sol to guide his hand, he shoots her and then runs away.

In a fusty old cave with jacked up mechanics and a degenerating creep, Mother gives birth to the world's ugliest baby. The precious, slimy serpentine thing forces itself through her body cavity and up out of her mouth, snakes through the air screeching, and then turns on her with a retractable parasitic jawset; snapping viciously onto her belly to feed. Mother whimpers the only tune she's capable of.

Campion runs into the woods yelling for Mother and she hides from humanity with her ugly baby. Father approaches and she's forced to reveal the abomination still feeding on her, saying she fears that once it's had all of her milk its appetite will escalate and it will want blood. Her plan is to destroy it in a suicide mission in the lander, and she correctly notes that she will never create anything but death. Father must be useful so he'll pilot. Together, they advise no one of the situation and simply fly headlong into oblivion as the shining star of their child-rearing efforts, Campion runs headlong to the edge, screaming.

As they go through a burning furnace of Hell, Mother and Father malfunction fundamentally, concluding that Campion is meant to lead and submitting to the inevitability of demise; kissing each other "Goodbye".

Still on his sacred mission, 'His (Absurdly Theatrical) Eminence' takes a new convert by force, killing his friends and forcing him to pray under threat of death as a ship of B&W flies in overhead.

Hell is inconclusive and Mother and Father abandon ship, leaving the abomination to an indefinite fate. The colossal half-carnate parasite eventually breaks out of its confines by sheer escalating size; flying out hostile into a living world, and Campion screams and screams and screams to exhaustion and then whimpers. He's destined to become a great leader. Or something.
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