American Crime Story: The Wilderness (2021)
Season 3, Episode 10
The need to vindicate.
14 November 2021
After Ken Starr found nothing he announced he was closing the "Whitewater" investigation. And the right wing idiots screamed like Howler monkeys on a honeymoon. So Ken went back to investigating. And continued to find nothing. Then came Linda Tripp. And the investigation now had something to investigate: Clinton's sex life.

Let's face reality: right wing idiots had their hero Nixon impeached and their other hero Reagan almost impeached and it still sticks in their craw to this day. No really, the whole Whitewater thing was an attempt to vindicate Nixon and Reagan. I mean what do you do when your "law and order" heroes are criminals? Get new heroes right? Wrong. You tear down your opponents. Why else would you investigate a failed land deal that was already investigated at the state level and nothing was found. And Whitewater was all the right wing idiots had. No break-ins, no arms for hostages, no nothing.

Don't belief me? Just ask any right wing idiot. Or ask Linda Tripp (yes I know she's dead). Remember how she went on and on about Reagan and Bush and waxed wroth about the Clinton's? Yeah that's the mind set of the right wing idiot.

Sorry to get political, but somebody had to say this and since Hank Ketchem died it's up to me.
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