Encanto (2021)
What makes Encanto different makes it special
27 December 2021
Like you, I grew up on Disney of one sort or another and have enjoyed a good many animated movies in my time, but I don't review them. I generally review brooding suspense dramas or horror movies, but, here it goes; my first Disney animated movie review, and I think the reason this one caught me off guard and charmed me so much was how it stands in stark contrast to so many of the other animated movies I've seen (and enjoyed) over the years.

I wanted two things from Encanto: 1. I wanted it to be heartwarming and 2. I wanted to be transported into Latin culture in every way. Being a Disney movie, I figured these were reasonable expectations. I went in knowing nothing other than the trailer. I read no reviews and didn't even know who the voice actors were, and I was soon completely in love.

Full disclosure: I'm 40 years old and I've seen a ridiculous amount of Disney movies. I've reached the point where I shrug at the next big Disney animated blockbuster because I've lived through so many of the good ones. I've grown cynical and more than a little disenchanted with over powered villains, rebellious kids doing the Disney version of puberty and cute side characters. Princesses, knights...yes, very cool. I've seen them. I've loved them. I'm starting to feel like each new Disney fill is a chance for me to scowl at how the writing quality, moral integrity (or whatever) isn't the same today as when I was a kid. I'm hard to wow.

Encanto, to my delight, showcased family in a deep, powerful and splendid way. No Dragon's, no big villains, no dynamic fight scenes, no explosions...just incredible visuals, engaging characters and the integrity of the family front and center from start to finish, and all Latino, from the cast to the music.

I felt like I was watching something close to the heart of why Walt Disney chose to make the mouse house rather than a grind house production company: he loved family. He wanted it to be for and about family, and fun.

Thank you Disney for glorifying latinoamerican culture. Thank you for showcasing family values and not sacrificing heart for cheap thrills or violence. Thank you for making us all cry with simple, realistic scenarios brought to life in magical colors.

Can I have more of these, please? Less cutting edge. Less progressive, modern, hi-tech, big battle movies and more beauty, love and family?

Please and thank you.
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