One of the best episodes so far.
17 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't like to give something a 10 but this episode deserves it!

This sets up the end of the season so nicely everything comes together. Homelander and his team getting more and more power. Meanwhile "the Boys" finally got their weapon. Butcher finally sort of showing his soft side was a nice edition for once. Hughie getting tougher as well was nice to see. The redemption arc of A-train is really interesting did not expect that to be honest. The character development in this episode was superb.

Now a message for all those people who are review bombing this episode because of political reasons. Just stop, this show makes fun of both the left and the right. I also hate when shows only want to bash the right but this show finds its balance with bashing both sides. None of Those sides are perfect. This show is a perfect reflection of how the real world is and they are making fun of it. Accept it.

Remember in episode 2 of this season? When they went to inclusive world? That was satire at the maximum against the left.
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