The Sopranos: Full Leather Jacket (2000)
Season 2, Episode 8
Chris was THE marksman of the show
8 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Can we talk about how badass Christopher was in this episode? I mean he gets shot in the right shoulder, draws his Walther ppk from his ankle holster, transfers it to his nondominated hand & still manages a headshot from the ground while crawling away for cover. I always took THE JACKET as a peace offering. Richie was actually trying, and it hurt him that Tony would give it away. Hurt feelings leads to death, remember the Ginny Sac joke. The jacket was an awkward gift. It harkened back to a time when Tony was not boss and when Richie was someone important. Phil Leotardo, Richie, Tony Uncle Al, Feech, and even Paulie -- the guys out of prison always caused problems. This episode is the start of the excellent final arc of season 2, and has an excellent reference to the previous episode. When AJ sees Livia at the hospital, she's reading an article in the paper about how someone recently died in a car accident because their seatbelt got stuck. Then of course, in this episode, after Sean shoots Christopher, he tries to get out but his seatbelt is stuck, leading to his death. Only a show like The Sopranos would put such a specific mention of seatbelts in one episode, and then the next episode pay it off.
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