Snowlidays (2019)
nice comedy
18 September 2022
A very easy French comedy about a sort of syndrome, phlebitis, good Samaritan for a killer of a dealer , snow, ski, mountains and a chain of bizarre to hilarious situations.

Nothing new and, in some measure, nothing bad. The gift remains Terry Lhermite in a symbolic role of source of troubles for charming Wanda . Few scenes are just inspired for a mix of good cinematography and just clever ideas.

To be very critic about this film is not so reasonable because, like so many french soft comedies, its purpose is precise - a good feeling, without very elaborated stories but familiar situations and the absurd moments, a drop of gay romance at 15 year old and a clever daughter loving her ski instructor are just enough for reasonable portrait of family and the importance of the crisis animating a poor mother.
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