It could have been a good "attorney-at-law" show, but the length of the show doesn't allow it to be
6 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Something I would like to address is that this is the third time Jennifer got put in a conflict situation and thrice she was requested by her boss to keep the client. Furthermore, it was the second time in a row where she couldn't drop the client because they were "an important client" and even though it wasn't explicitly said, both also seem to have a weird fetish towards She-Hulk, her boss knows that, she knows that and they all agree with this.

Another issue was the idiocy on Jennifer's client to bring the suit to court and mention using jet fuel, did you notice how proud he was when he said that? This isn't the kind of information a good lawyer would miss from their client when they ask them what happened. Also, Jennifer, as a client knowing her tailor, would know super suits made by Luke had instructions, why was she oblivious to all that?

One thing worth praising however is the debate on privacy and the mentioning of the Sokovia Accords, THAT really felt like a true lawyer show. It really feels like this could have been a good lawyer show, but since they have to balance that with the super hero bit, it is really hard with such a short show, if it was a whole hour, plots could have been better written to accommodate the best of both worlds.

Then we got an alright team-up between She-Hulk and Daredevil, the way she finds out about his real identity felt a bit rushed, but using her thunderclap to mess up with his hearing was a nice move. Not a big fan of the walk of shame though, even if Matthew agreed to have sex with Jen he would leave in the night still.

Then we get to the "Female Lawyer of the Year" and its. 6? 7 winners? Why was Jennifer disappointed to share the prize? Because, if she knew about the award, why wouldn't she know it was shared? And if it wasn't shared, why was it shared now? It was a bad writing only to have the Inteligencia's plot unfold. Everything is awful here, how they take over the screen - also why would a Female Lawyer award have such a huge screen? - and nobody in the event does anything about - just pull the plug, done -, how she doesn't really get angry when it is shown her revenge porn, wasn't the whole point show how angry she was? Yes, we know Jennifer controls her Hulk better than Bruce did, but sometimes spurts of anger can't be controlled, specially when you are a Hulk.
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