The Estate (II) (2022)
Dreadfully awful so-called comedy full of lame knob & poo gags (and some decent performances)
30 November 2022
In lame so-called comedy "The Estate" struggling sisters Toni Collette & Anna Faris believe dying aunt Kathleen Turner's inheritance will resolve their financial woes, so they move in with the grumpy old bag to butter her up for it... as do rival cousins Rosemarie DeWitt (with hubbie Ron Livingston) & David Duchovny. What ensues is a crass & unfunny parade of knob & poo gags that goes nowhere but the toilet. Writer / director Dean Craig did well on his debut with "Love Wedding Repeat" but totally craps the bed this time, wasting what's actually a terrific cast on fine form (including Turner - great to see her in a rare appearance)... just in a dreadfully awful movie.
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