The Brady Bunch: Her Sister's Shadow (1971)
Season 3, Episode 10
"Jan, everybody thinks you won!"
29 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is the episode responsible for the phrase: "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!" There are rumors that Maureen McCormick and Eve Plumb didn't get along too well. This is not hard to believe, watching the scene in which Jan admits to hiding Marcia's trophies. The tension between Marcia and Jan seemed a little too real. Marcia asks why Jan would hide her trophies. Jan's reply: "Because I felt like it! That's why!" Can we blame Jan? She was tired of being in Marcia's shadow, all the time! Jan tries to make a name for herself, first as a pom pom girl, then in an essay contest. Wouldn't you know that the teacher would make a scoring error on Jan's essay? Jan didn't win the contest. Nora Coombs won! For a character that's not shown, why name her "Nora Coombs"? I guess we'll never know. There was also an error that was allowed to pass. When Jan first mentioned this character, she said "Noris Coombs." I guess nobody thought that this mattered. I must mention the actress that played Jan's teacher. Gwen Van Dam. Gorgeous, drop dead beautiful woman!! If I'd had her for a teacher, I would have liked going to school! Wow! Gwen's presence added a spark to this classic episode.
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