The Brady Bunch: Marcia Gets Creamed (1973)
Season 5, Episode 7
High School Job With Ice Cream Please
4 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Two of the kids are looking for jobs, Peter and Marica. Marcia finds one first at an ice cream parlor. Then she helps Peter get a job there too. Marcia is a good worker, but Peter is not. He spends most of his working time calling his friends, listening to the ballgame on the radio, and stuffing ice cream down his throat. Eventually, Marcia has had enough and fires Peter right in front of the customers. Imagine getting fired by your own sister right in front of the customers! Marcia could be very mean when she wanted to. She should have taken him in back and fired him in private. It would have been the decent thing to do. But, she was a teenage girl and we all know how impulsive they can be. By the way, the Peter in this episode seems out of character. He's usually fairly conscientious, but in this episode they have him be a total lout. That part didn't make sense. But it did make for some funny scenes, so that's okay. After the firing Peter is talking to his younger brother Bobby and says about his sister Jan: "That's what happens when you give small people power - they can't handle it." Nice one, Peter. But you did goof off too much. It really was your own fault.

Then there's a scene between Peter and Marcia, lots of yelling and accusations. So the mother breaks it up and gets it all straightened out. Peter admits that he deserved to be fired.

Then Marcia's sister Jan gets a job at the ice cream parlos. And she's such a good worker she makes Marcia look bad by comparison. Naturally, Marcia gets jealous. This leads to friction between the sisters.

Marcia also keeps giving her boyfriend the brush off, saying she's too busy working and washing her hair. So, naturally, her boyfriend brings another girl, a very beautiful girl, into the ice cream parlor just to make Marcia mad. And boy does she get mad. She sprays them both with canned whip cream. That's not very professional, Marcia. You better watch your step or you might get fired just like your brother Peter.

Then the owner says that he has to let either Marcia or Jan go because he's going to do the work himself. To the surprise of both girls he decides to keep Jan. This leads to yelling between the sisters later at home. They talk it over with their parents. Then Jan decides to give up the job and let her sister have it. But then Marcia's boyfriend calls and Marcia decides that it's better to have a boyfriend than a job.

There's a side story about the father trying to lose weight. It's just meant to fill in some of the time and give lines to Mike, Carol, and Alice. Kind of cute, but not all that interesting.

Oh, and Peter gets another job, this time at a pizza parlor. He's excited about trying all 32 pizzas if he can keep his job this time.
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