Nashville: If Tomorrow Never Comes (2017)
Season 5, Episode 9
Done With It
16 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was willing to defend seasons 1-4 as excellent drama, not soap opera, because the key knock against soap opera is the unbelievable flights of coincidence that mark their plots just so they can have another dramatic scene. They don't care what kind of logic hole they blow in the plot.

Well this episode and the last one finally did it. In the previous episode Rayna is confronted by her knife-wielding stalker (by him haven hidden in a broom closet for 24 hours despite the whole building being thoroughly searched by "crack security professionals" just moments before. When the security people finally show up, guns drawn, they refuse to shoot the crazy person flashing his knife when he's 2 feet away from Rayna, and instead wait until he grabs her and holds the knife to her throat, to let her character have the dramatic scene of talking him down so they can arrest him. Then as she's blubbering incoherently while being driven home, only able to stutter on the phone to her husband that she's safe, her car is hit full in the side by a truck.

All I can say in answer to the character's question from her hospital bed, in the opening moments of this episode, "Can you believe this?" Is:

"No, I can't."

I appreciate that some people found this episode cathartic, but I can only say that I refuse to give up all sense of reason for a manipulative tear-jerker. The whole season so far has been teetering a little bit, but now it's moved into roadrunner & coyote played for tears instead of laughs. None of the characters are doing anything that makes sense for their characters any more.
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