The Brady Bunch: Marcia Gets Creamed (1973)
Season 5, Episode 7
8 December 2023
Peter Baldwin, who was also directing CHICO AND THE MAN and BOB NEWHART at the time, headed this wacky episode.

Marcia, Peter and Jan land a job at the same ice cream shop. It all starts when Marcia, who is working long hours, needs some time off to go on a date. She recommends Peter, who appreciates the job, but is not what you would call efficient.... Jan enters the picture and proves to be the ideal worker. Never underestimate Jan!

Best scenes go to Pete, though, who is the slacker of the month, and it's kind of strange. If you remember his bike gig in the last season, he was a really good worker, although not mechanically inclined.

Henry Corden plays the owner of the shop, always looking for good help. Corden usually played bad guys on tv, but in a few years would succeed the late Alan Reed and play the new voice of FRED FLINTSTONE. Great trivia question.

Funny side story has Alice and Mike trying to lose weight --and fast! I agree with the last reviewer; Mike was rather trim. How much weight was he supposed to lose???

Yes, there is a little soap opera on the side. Marcia's boyfriend (Michael Grey) turns out to be unfaithful and has another gal friend. What a fink! At the time, Grey starred in the SHAZAAM adventure show.

Good memories from SEASON 5 EPISODE 7 remastered color ABC/Paramount dvd box set. This box set has a classic cover.
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