Plausibly the worst movie I've ever seen.
15 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm reviewing this from the perspective of a B-movie, i.e. 'so bad it's good'.

This might be the worst movie I've ever seen, and I've seen many, many b-movies. The film is entirely CGI and I'm pretty sure the CGI consists of entirely, or nearly all, free stock animations a la Unity or Unreal. The dialogue is bizarre and rambling and, plausibly (really), entirely, or in part, AI generated.

There isn't a plot. Things happen, but only vaguely and there isn't any plot progression to speak of.

Evil aliens are threatening to invade, the aliens are also the Illuminati, and a counter force of nice aliens and Master Chief ripoffs and Bigfoot wander around stock space station environs rambling in AI generated dialogue. That's the movie. There is no action. There are functionally no physical character interactions at all because that would require animating and this movie was made from solely free animations.

Think walking the halls and talking West Wing, but in a space ship; nothing happens and the dialogue was written by a robot.

If you are a normal person do not watch this. If you like b-movies, watch several minutes of this and then delete it. Don't stick it out because it does not improve.
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