Dead People Lie Down
22 February 2024
An odd second episode. I expected Tiago Vega to be cut up for shooting his brother Raul. He now lies in intensive care, not expected to survive. His mother prays for him.

Tiago is only mildly upset and then back to normal. Even slightly flirtatious with radio evangelist Sister Molly Finnister who he needs to pump some information from.

It might just be that Tiago got unexpected good news. His cop partner Lewis Michener claims not to have seen who shot him in the arm. His brother might be in the clear but the doctors tell Tiago he is only expected to live for a few more days.

Still the police are even more angry at all the Mexicas as the turmoil has led to the deaths of four cops.

Councilman Townsend proclaims that the new highway will go though in honour of the dead cops. Using the tragedy to get the press on his side.

Shades of post 9/11 metaphors with the political grandstanding.

It is also notable how these shows also go to the same well. Radio evangelist Sister Molly Finnister is based on a real evangelist from the 1930s. The first series of the revamped Perry Mason had a similar character.
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