Grrrr, Trevor's Dad - I hated him.
26 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Finally a gay indie film with a happy ending! I just knew that this was going to end bad but to my surprise it didn't. Trevor, the news reporter is very cookie cutter of a character but loved the chemistry between him and Jamal. Trevor's father is the biggest jerk I've ever encounter in a movie. I wanted to give him a chance but nope, he ruined any redemption possibilities every single time. Just when I thought he couldn't get more nasty he did. I can write this entire review about how much I hated Trevor's dad. Good job on whoever wrote and the guy that play Trevor's dad. He did awesome at making me hate him. When he slapped Trevor's mom, I almost had to pause the movie because I couldn't believe how much I was hating him. I'm so glad that she left him in the end. I hope he's dead in the sequel because there's no way to redeem a character like that. Okay enough of Trevor's dad. Let's talk about the low down dirty of Jamal's dad. The absolute audacity to show up at this point in his life. The dads suck big time in this movie, so if you're a dad do not watch this on Father's Day. There's so many great things about this movie. The music is phenomenal, I didn't expect the the music to be that good until I started watching it. For those that haven't watched this yet, do yourself a favor and do so and get prepared to hate Trevor's dad. Grrrr!
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